Making a Difference, Changing Lives

Welcome to JADEK Relief Foundation, a dedicated force working towards positive social change. Our mission is to alleviate poverty, promote education, support healthcare and electoral observation. Through our unwavering commitment, collaborative partnerships, and grassroots initiatives, we strive to create a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

About Us

Who We Are

JADEK Relief Foundation is a registered non-profit organization established in 2010. We are driven by a belief in the power of collective action to address societal challenges. Our team comprises passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds, united by a common goal – to make a lasting impact on the lives of those in need.

Our Vision

A world where every person, regardless of background or circumstance, has the resources and opportunities to lead a dignified and fulfilling life.

Our Mission

To [provide a concise statement about your NGO’s primary mission, e.g., empower communities through education, healthcare, and sustainable development].

What We Do            

  1. Education Initiatives

Education is the key to empowerment. [Your NGO Name] is dedicated to enhancing educational opportunities for underserved communities. We implement projects that focus on building schools, providing scholarships, and promoting lifelong learning.

  1. Healthcare Access

Good health is a fundamental right. Through our healthcare initiatives, we work towards improving access to medical services, conducting health awareness programs, and supporting communities in need.

  1. Community Development

Sustainable change begins at the community level. [Your NGO Name] engages in community development projects, fostering economic empowerment, infrastructure development, and environmental sustainability.

  1. Emergency Relief

In times of crisis, we respond swiftly to provide emergency relief. Whether it’s natural disasters, conflicts, or health emergencies, [Your NGO Name] is there to support affected communities.

Get Involved

  1. Donate

Your contribution can make a significant impact. Support our projects by making a donation. Every dollar goes towards creating positive change.

  1. Volunteer

Join us in the field or contribute your skills remotely. Our volunteers play a crucial role in implementing and expanding our programs.

  1. Partnerships

Collaboration amplifies impact. Partner with us to create synergies and implement projects that drive sustainable change.

To Support our goals and foundation kindly send your donation to any of our accounts below.

Jadek group of companies ltd.

Bank Name: Zenith bank
Account Nos: 5074447122
IBAN : GB80CITI18500810


Account Name: Jadek group of companies ltd Bank: UBA

Naira Account Nos: 1026758902

Dollar Acct Nos: 3004281998.

Disclaimer: Jadek Group or Jadek Relief Foundation are not liable for any transaction or any business or deal outside those aforementioned companies name. Please direct your enquiry or payment to only Jadek Group of Companies ltd or Jadek Relief Foundation.